
Saturday, 19 December 2009


is a traditional musical instrument Minangkabau, West Sumatra. Which this wind instrument made of thin bamboo or gutter (brachycladum Schizostachyum Kurz). Minangkabau people believe that the best material to make Saluang derived from pole to pole clothesline fabric or found floating in a river. These instruments include the flute type instrument, but it is simpler to make, simply by punching holes in the gutter with four holes. Saluang length about 40-60 cm, 3-4 cm in diameter. As for other uses of the gutter is the place to make Lemang, one of Minangkabau traditional food.
Saluang legendary players named Idris Sutan Syamsimar Sati with the singer.
The virtue of this Saluang players are able to play Saluang to blow and breathe at the same time, so the blower Saluang to play musical instruments from the beginning of the end of the song without end. This way of breathing exercises developed by the constant. This technique is also a technique called manyisiahkan angok (aside breath).
Each country in Minangkabau develop ways Saluang blowing, so that each village has its own style. Examples of the style that is Singgalang, Pariaman, Solok Salayo, Koto Tuo, Suayan and Pauah. Singgalang style is considered quite difficult to be played by beginners, and usually Singgalang tone is played at the beginning of the song. Style is most sad is the sound of Ratok Solok Solok area.
Previously, khabarnya Saluang player has its own spell that allows you to hypnotize the audience. Spells were called Pitunang of David.

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