
Tuesday 12 October 2010

Traditional Ritual of Tanjungsari

Located in the Hamlet Dlimas, Village District Ceper Ceper
The distance from the town of Klaten ± 6 km
Area 1,000 m2
Each Shura held every month, falls on a Friday
(Friday Wage: java calender)
Routine nature of each per year
The number of visitors at 10,000 ±

The origin of the traditional ceremony Tanjungsari. 
Once upon at time of rupture of the Majapahit kingdom there are 2 (two) daughters kingdom named: Roro Roro Umbrella Tanjungsari and sheen that escaped from the kingdom and lost to in a village is still forested. Because of the willingness of two daughters who was crying constantly and not eating and drinking and two daughters are missing along with his body (muksa). 
With the loss of two daughters in a place that arises Dlimo tree, its fruit is ripe, such as gold after the village was named Dlimas. 

People in the village at that time living Dlimas all the shortcomings and can be likened to eating a day and not eat for three days. At one time there was one resident who gets inspiration for her life to be good for the tree so that Delia was treated (preserved). 
Once the tree is maintained properly it turns out people's lives in the Village Dlimas be good, and after the tree was dead Delia place the planted trees and Umbrella Tanjungsari sheen. 

With the change in fate / Dlimas Village community life of all shortcomings become all excess arises the belief that the Shura each per month which falls on Friday held a ceremony for safety Wage and Tayuban and carried out after Friday prayers in a way the residents bring dishes / ambeng brought in under a tree somewhere headland. After the ceremony continued with the ceremony selamatan Tayuban / janggrungan. This ceremony was named Tanjungsari / Tanjungsaren because it is done under the tree Cape. Medium ceremony Tayuban (Janggrungan) transactions are carried out because the two daughters in the hour of dancing pleasure palace Srimpi, Dance Tayub in Dlimas is very different because of its sacred ceremonies, these dancers made the sons and daughters of the early first husband and wife, the development is now at a ceremony in the wife does not come again considering ri house many guests who came. 

The ceremony was passed on the night the next night with performances ketoprak, people puppets, shadow puppets and more. Many people from other regions who come to sell, set up craft booths, games and other children to realize a night market that lasted several days. 

Tanjungsari traditional ceremony continues to grow and multiply visitors. This ceremony has become a belief Dlimas residents, those who work outside the town of Klaten was trying to come / go home to attend the ceremony.

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